Thuiszorg Alicante

End of life protocol

End-of-life home care includes a range of supportive services aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals nearing the end of their lives. It includes comprehensive physical, emotional and spiritual support to ensure comfort, dignity and a peaceful transition. While our hospice and palliative care focuses on managing symptoms and providing emotional support, euthanasia at home allows individuals to choose a dignified end to their suffering.


For individuals facing a terminal illness, euthanasia may involve a qualified healthcare provider administering medications at the patient's request to facilitate a peaceful death. Home Care Alicante can assist you in requesting euthanasia and assisted death in the province of Alicante. You can read more about this on the euthanasia protocol page.

Personal healthcare plan

At Home Care Alicante we use a personal care plan for patients who require clinical pharmacological services. Our approach is flexible, allowing us to respond to changes in the patient's condition, while working closely with the medical and care team. This collaborative effort provides thoughtful support and guidance for you and your loved ones during life's final moments.